Inadvertent Misconduct: Preventing Party Complaints
(2023 ABA Dispute Resolution Section Conference Workshop)
This workshop raised awareness of preventing inadvertent misconduct and included some checklists to ensure mediators honor duties of self-determination, impartiality, and competence without bias.
Preventing Unintentional Discrimination in Dispute Resolution
(2023 Dispute Resolution Magazine Article)
Click here to see a version of this article that includes strategies for preventing inappropriate inquiries, microaggressive comments, disparate treatment, and illegal screening practices.
Preventing Mental Illness Discrimination in Mediation
(2022 Mental Health Conference Program)
Visit the Mental Health Safe Project’s prevention resources page for a replay of a 13-minute presentation as well as a set of resources to help prevent mental illness discrimination
Five Strategies Dispute Resolvers Can Use to Vet Professional Guidance and Prevent Misconduct
(2022 CPR Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation Article)
Learn about how inadvertent misconduct gets codified in trainings and articles, and five ways to recognize these problems and prevent mistakes. Access a version of the article by clicking here.